LLM Experiments with Llama3, LangChain and an unhinged book on management

A few months ago a colleague posted in a channel on Slack that she found a book on management in her laundry room. This is New York where having your own washing machine in your flat/apartment is the ultimate luxury. That book was unhinged. The title is The Managerā€™s Phrase Book and certain phrases are very insensitive. I will give a few examples from the book. I am copying verbatim....

Preparing in case of a theft. A disaster recovery plan.

tl;dr Donā€™t be a hero. Give them everything they ask. Use apps to hide your sensitive data. Use a password manager. Use yubikeys. Have a backup app on another device home. Donā€™t carry all your cards with you. Donā€™t have all your cards in your digital wallet. Keep a backup phone and an contact list at home. Keep your main baking card/credit card at home. Carry with your a different card for your daily expenses....

2022 keeping only the positives

Back in 2020, thanks to a tweet from my friend Sam I decided to make a list of just the positive things that happened through that year. Reading back at that post I realise that it is useful even today. You get to appreciate all you did that year. So here is to keeping only the positives of 2022 Consistency I have struggled my entire life keeping good habits consistently. A lot of the times I pick up things just to abandon them later (hello guitar)....

The final station

Living abroad gave a lot of us a gift. The gift of feeling discombobulated in regards with belonging. I donā€™t think this feeling is unique to me, or to Greeks, or to anyone. Itā€™s a human condition as common as life. But I happen to be Greek and I want to approach that subject from that perspective. Every now and again many Greeks that live abroad will have to deal with criticism from other Greeks regarding the choice of ā€œleavingā€....

How I treat private company equity

A lot of the times as the employee of a startup or a bigger company youā€™ll get a grant of equity with your offer. This post deals with equity from private companies. Meaning companies that havenā€™t gone public via an IPO or similar. The way I look into company stocks is this: Calculate how much you ā€œare losingā€ while employed in said company (roughly see whatā€™s the upper band you would get elsewhere)....

First contact with AWK

I have a side project that itā€™s kinda abandoned. I am moving it from Google Cloud to Microsoft Azure and adding some new features to it. Itā€™s an excellent way to learn more about Azure and practice some skills. This project is about helping you find a movie to watch. In this effort it requires ingesting some IMDB datasets. The datasets can be found here. The datasets are TSV files (tab separated)....

Coming in terms with your uniqueness

Coming in terms with your uniqueness Humans are social creatures. We thrive in communities, in groups of people, in our families. We benefit from feeling a sense of belonging in those groups and in order to achieve that we try to fit in as best we can. Here lies internal conflict though. How many concessions do you do in order to fit in? How much of your unique self do you give away?...

What is a senior developer. A guide for aspiring developers and hiring managers.

The career ladder. Everyone wants to climb it. I did write before that for young George, and many other developers, the career of a developer looked like this: Junior Mid level Senior Manager VP of Engineering CTO Elon Musk. After talking with a lot of people this progression sounds like what most employees and organisations have in mind. People go through reviews talking about achieving that elusive middle ground of senior developer....

An iPad Pro as a productivity device

This isnā€™t the first time I am doing this experiment. This is in fact my third iPad. I bought the first one sometime when the iPad 2 came out. I did see the potential then. A portable device ready to be with you at any point. It was obvious to me since then that it can fill an important gap. It sounds excellent for writing, taking notes, reading books and consuming content....

Dealing with change

The phrase ā€œĪ¤Ī± Ļ€Ī¬Ī½Ļ„Ī± ĻĪµĪ¹ ĪŗĪ±Ī¹ ĪæĻ…Ī“Ī­Ī½ Ī¼Ī­Ī½ĪµĪ¹ā€ is one attributed to Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher. It translates to ā€œeverything flows and nothing staysā€. To me this quote is one of the most profound ones regarding life in general. Things in life change, move and rarely remain the same for too long. The real question is how do we change with them? How do we adapt? Changes might include, but not limited to, changing jobs, changing cities, countries, friends, partners, houses, family, anything....