(Stop) Reading the news.

It was on the height of the Greek Crisis back in 2012 when I decided to stop reading the news. The amount of depression I was getting from them was unbelievable. Back then every media outlet was representing my country as lazy people, that we donā€™t try enough to solve the problem etc. It also painted a picture in which we were to leave the EU and crash out to oblivion....

Product story telling.

Lets start by defining what is plot. Plot is the series of related events that make up a story or drama. Each event hooks out curiosity and pulls us forward to the next event. Hereā€™s my thesis on product development: for a product to be successful it has to have a strong plot, it has to have coherency, it has to tell a story. Below Iā€™ll give examples from traditional story telling theory and how that applies to product development....

Signal to noise ratio for human communication.

Definition: In humanā€“computer interaction, the signalā€“toā€“noise ratio represents the ratio of relevant to irrelevant information in an interface or communication channel. Recently Iā€™ve read a post about signal to noise ratio for interface design. Itā€™s a very interesting post, that I recommend but it got me thinking about the same concept when communicating between humans. The post had two main points that Iā€™d like to have a closer look...

Overwhelmed by choice: An ode to video clubs

Itā€™s Friday. You finished work. You went home, made lunch, talked with your loved ones and itā€™s time for some you time. You open Netflix, determined to find a good movie and chill! Great. Scroll, scroll, scroll, scrollā€¦. 15 minutes laterā€¦ Nah, I donā€™t want to watch anything now, the moment is gone. Or even worst, you watch one episode here, one episode there and nothing ever completes. Does that sound familiar?...

Dominator vs Facilitator

Interacting with people ainā€™t easy. Lets imagine a scenario where a lot of people come together and they are talking about something. Lets call this scenario a meeting. I have a problem in those scenarios. Silences make me uncomfortable. Really really uncomfortable. Especially earlier in my life I would end up trying to fill every nook and cranny of silence. This creates a big problem. In fact, itā€™s so big that can hinder your personal and professional development....

A good problem to have

Recently I started a new job. This brings an entire host of new habits to build and things to get adjusted to. One of these things is the fact that my commute shrunk by a lot, sco now I have no time to read in the train. This is a good problem to have, but still one to find a solution to. The way my commute works right now is 15 minutes in the train, 15 minutes walk to work (roughly)....